Driving to Guesthouse Nýp
Google Maps driving directions
It’s very easy to drive to Nýp: go north on Ring Road N.1, turn left onto Route 60 heading north west, and when you have passed Laugar, Sælingsdal and Skriduland in Saurbær, you turn left again on Route 590, a gravel road named Klofningsvegur. We are 15.8 km ahead on the left, after you pass Staðarhól´s church and the farm Ytri Fagridalur.
Google street view of Guesthouse Nýp
The region is sparsely populated so the nearest gas stations or stores are an hour’s drive back on Route 60 to Búðardalur, or an hour’s drive north to Reykhólar, or north east to Hólmavík.
Tel +354 896 1930 • +354 891 8674 • thora@this.is
Guesthouse Nýp, Skarðsströnd, 371 Dalabyggð, Iceland
(Route 590 – Klofningsvegur, West Iceland)